What is the most important skill for young Soccer players to develop?

Written by Dan Kitchen | 10/09/2018 5:55:11 AM

If you have ever questioned what the key quality coaches look for in their players? Then look no further.

The answer FIRST TOUCH!

“Technique is not being able to juggle a ball 1000 times. Anyone can do that by practicing.
Then you can work in the circus. Technique is passing the ball with one touch, with the right speed,
at the right foot of your team mate”.
Johan Cruyff.

Regardless of where a player plays or would like to play on the pitch, a good first touch is the foundation on which the rest of their game is built. The ability to effectively bring the ball under control quickly allows players a variety of advantages and greatly increasing not only technical ability but also performance on the pitch.

Ultimately best way to improve the first touch is to have a ball at your feet as much as possible. We have put together a short video to help you on your way to improving that all important first touch. WATCH it NOW.




Here is why:

Time and Space: The ball can arrive at a player in a whole host of ways; at pace, bouncing, in the air and so on. The ability for a player to adapt their body shape and bring that ball under control quickly and into space with varying parts of the foot and body will equal more time on the ball. More time and space means that the player is not chasing the ball, and enables them to make better decisions which are not born out of panic and pressure of an opposing player.

Improved Vision: As the picture of a Football game I constantly changing, a player’s ability to be constantly scanning the space on the field I vital not only for the players decision making but also the for the team’s ability to retain possession of the ball and not lead to costly turnovers. A player who has confidence in their first touch will be afforded the ability of keeping their head up searching for gaps to play the ball into, space to attack or openings to shoot.


Confidence: A player who has a good first touch feels confident receiving the ball in all situation. They are not hiding from the ball and ultimately allowing more options for their team mates. A player who is second guessing if they will be able to control that ball in a tight spot or not sure if they can bring down a lofted pass is unlikely to provide their teammates options and become redundant on the pitch.
Confidence on the field of course enables a better performance, and first touch is the basis of this.

So how do you go about improving that first touch?

Access to great coaches is one of the key ways to improve a player’s first touch. They will put players in situation which engage the touch in varying ways allowing the players to build knowledge and ability of acting and reacting to the ball and the best methods of bringing the ball under control. At KIKOFF our tailor made FDS Programs has a team of dedicated and highly experienced coaches who have worked from grassroots to elite level across Europe, North America and Australia.

Ultimately best way to improve the first touch is to have a ball at your feet as much as possible. We have put together a short video to help you on your way to improving that all important first touch.