Holiday Camp – Weekly Schedule: how does it run?

Written by KIKOFF | 23/06/2019 11:00:00 PM

If you’ve never been to one of our soccer camps, here’s a breakdown of how things run each day so that you know what to expect before you sign-up:

Sunday | Camp preparation

Prior to the beginning of camp, our coaches arrive at the location 8am sharp; to allow enough time to set-up goals, pitches and coaching areas. Our camp director will ensure that equipment (soccer balls, cones, bibs) are up to standard and sufficient to cope with the number of kids on camp. Furthermore, on the Sunday evening before camp begins, the camp director will send a welcome email to all players currently registered for the camp.


Monday | Camp introduction & player registration

The camp director will take care of player registration (sign-ins and sign-ups). Once players have signed in, placed their backpacks in a safe place and picked up a ball, the coaching staff engage with the players and create a positive camp atmosphere to help them integrate with other players.

At 9am sharp, a senior member of staff will get all players together for a group warm-up which relates to the skill focus for that particular day.

The camp director has an excel spreadsheet (virtual / physical) that comprises attendee names, and their contact details in case of an emergency.


Skill focus: 1v1

Character focus: Respect and Assurance


Tuesday | Colour Tuesday

At the end of camp on Monday, each world cup team is designated a colour e.g. France (blue), Brazil (yellow), England (white), Spain (Red). Players are instructed and encouraged to wear their team colours; world cup points are awarded for each item of clothing that is the correct colour.


Skill focus: dribbling & running with the ball

Character focus: Integrity and Sportsmanship


Wednesday | Wacky Wednesday

Hawaiian shirts, goofy costumes and pretty much anything that would pass as Halloween garb. At the end of camp on Tuesday, each world cup team is instructed and encouraged to dress Wacky for Wednesday; world cup points are awarded to all those who get involved, and bonus points awarded to the best dressed.


Skill focus: First touch

Character focus: Example and Determination


Thursday | Flag Thursday

At the end of camp on Wednesday, world cup teams are encouraged to make their team’s national flag. Bonus points are awarded for the following four categories (i) biggest flag, (ii) smallest flag, (iii) most creative flag, and (iv) tastiest flag.


Skill focus: Striking the ball

Character focus: Intellect & Teamwork