What Full Body Workouts Help With Fat Loss? Part 1

Written by KIKOFF | 30/04/2018 10:00:00 PM

Do you want to lose body fat?

Do you have 30 minutes 3 times per week?

Want a program that you can choose the exercises you enjoy?

Want to train in a way that has got results for both beginners and athletes?

Read on.

If you are reading this for a fat loss workout I’m guessing you have at least once typed into google something along the lines of:

‘how to lose body fat’
‘how to get a six-pack’
‘best fat loss workouts’

A search like this will no doubt bring up thousands of links, plenty offering ‘shortcuts’ to helping you achieve this goal with 6 minute workouts and ‘shredding’ challenges galore.

They may even explain a ‘best exercise’ for fat loss or a ‘best workout’ for fat loss. *

*Hint: These do not exist!

“Focus and Simplicity….Once You Get There You Can Move Mountains” – Steve Jobs

Cutting To The Chase

With information always one click away (some of it brilliant, much of it absolute nonsense), it’s easy to get confused or be unsure what to believe, this can often cause failure to even get started training.

Whether you are an athlete or just trying to lose some body fat for health or aesthetic reasons, there is no magic, there are no quick fixes and there definitely is no ‘secrets of training’ that you need to pay someone on Instagram to find out.

It certainly isn’t as easy as going to the gym for 3 weeks and expecting massive results but it also isn’t as complicated as you requiring an advanced training program with a complex nutritional plan.

First Things First

Before even considering training, there are six other factors which will make a bigger impact on your progress than training will when it comes to fat loss.

  1. Nutrition: Eat a little less than before until you start/stop making progress. Then eat a little less again, repeat until at desired goal.  Keep eating protein with each meal, get your greens and a cupped hand full of carbohydrates from a source like potatoes, rice, fruit or oats.
  2. Why: Think about WHY you want to lose body fat. If you know this and can always refer back to it to remind you, you will almost always stay on track.
  3. Consistency: Not perfection. This is why enjoying your exercise is key.
  4. Reducing Stress: Enjoy yourself
  5. Sleep: Quality and quantity.

     6. Patience: Eight Weeks minimum!

Train like a professional athlete or the Spartans preparing for battle all you want, but if the above factors aren’t in order then you will be far less likely to reduce body fat at a rate you are happy with.

Now let’s say all of the above is in order. To get the lean, athletic body you are after you will have to put in the hard yards training to build a strong body with some muscle and fitness to show for your efforts.

Check our Part 2 to get your free full body workout for fat loss!