FFDU Trivia Night

Written by KIKOFF | 13/09/2014 8:01:56 PM

Whilst we might all be a little bit disappointed that the World Cup is over, the reality is that football never stops. And don’t we love that! The new football seasons across the world are not far away, and FFDU want to celebrate with one of their famous trivia nights!

You’ve probably been to a trivia night before. You know the drill – someone stands at the front and reads questions from a sheet of paper. You write your questions down on a piece of paper, and then watch as the winners are awarded with a schooner of VB to share between them.

You’d probably expect an FFDU Trivia Night to be the same. You’d be wrong. Very wrong. Get ready for the best Trivia Night you’ve ever been to; a fully interactive, immersive multimedia presentation of content and questions to get your football brains working to their capacity.

So ask around your office, post on your supporters club’s Facebook or Twitter and round up some friends to take on the other teams in the quest to claim the tag of 2014 FFDU Trivia Champions.

We’ll have prizes and giveaways for the winners and other special features, and all proceeds from the night go directly to White Ribbon, the campaign to stop men’s violence against women, a cause which we at FFDU are very proud to support.

To register head to the Football Fans Down Under