Looking for some short workouts to complement your current squad training and keep you match fit whilst reducing the chance of injury?
Assuming you are training at least two/three times per week with your squad and playing a game at the weekend we have suggested some of our go-to’s below for speed, strength and endurance.
No workout will take more than 30 minutes and you won’t require any equipment.
*All workouts should begin after a 10-15 minute preparation period of foam roll targeted areas, warm up, activation and dynamic stretching
You must run each distance as fast as you possibly can, if you need more rest then take it, but don’t take less:
Do A1 then immediately A2 then rest as stated and Repeat Until All Sets Completed. Once all sets completed repeat the same structure for B exercises, then C exercises and finish with D exercises.
A1. Triple Standing Long Jump:
A2. Front Plank Shoulder Tap:
B1. Single Leg Squat:
B2. Single Leg Hops for Height:
Option A
If completing two hard training sessions with your squad, do this in between days:
Option B
If you missed a squad session, game time or want to do that little bit extra: