The Best Activities to Keep Kids Busy in Summer

Written by KIKOFF | 04/07/2017 12:30:37 AM


While summer is the best time to be a kid, it can seem like a long time for parents. And if you’re not happy with the idea of your kids staring at their screens all day, you’ll need to keep them entertained. Here is our list of options to keep kids busy in summer:


Let them be Bored

It may seem mean, but the first step is often letting your kids be bored for a while. These days, many kids are overscheduled, with far less free time available than we had growing up. So as soon as they have a few days without school, they’re bored because they need to learn to use their creativity and imaginations and play on their own.


Boredom is essential for developing creativity. So one of the best things you can do is encourage them to make up some games with their friends, find an activity to do, or practice a hobby.


Head to the Library

This may seem outdated since the world has gone digital, but stopping by the library and letting your kids pick up some books is a great way to keep them occupied. For kids growing up with screens in their hand, a trip to the library can be an exciting change.


Many libraries will have reading programs over the summer, and you may just instil a love of reading in your kids as they fill up the long summer.


Put them to Work

If your kids want some pocket money to go hang out with their friends, there’s nothing wrong with asking them to do some chores in exchange. You can use this as an opportunity to learn how to earn, save, and invest their money.


One option is to arrange for a garage sale at the end of summer. Your kids can spend a few days sorting through the toys, clothes, and electronics they no longer use, in exchange for some of the profits.


For older kids, take them to the bank and open up a savings account. You may find them using every spare opportunity to make some cash - so encourage them to mow lawns in the neighbourhood, help you with cooking, or tidy their rooms.

Start Summer Soccer

Getting the kids out of the house for an hour or two can be a relief for the whole family. And if you want your kids to stay active this summer, soccer is a great choice. Not only will they improve their coordination, learn new skills, make friends, and have fun, but they’ll stay fit and healthy throughout the holidays. Learn more about KIKOFF's Summer Soccer.


Summer soccer involves 30-45 minute training sessions, along with a 30-minute game. Kids get support and feedback from experienced coaches and have a goal to focus on throughout summer. The holidays are a great time to begin a new sport or focus on getting better at a current sport, since there’s plenty of time during the day to practice the new skills they’re learning.


This is particularly true for kids who would usually be considered “unsporty”. While they may not want to play on a team throughout the year, the relaxed summer soccer trainings can be just what they need to gain confidence and improve their skills.



Get Crafty

If your kids are the creative types, or you’re simply at your wit’s end trying to keep them entertained, crafts are a great activity for all ages.


Now is a great time to stock up on craft materials as they go on sale. And you can also collect things like toilet paper rolls, old crayons, craft paper, glue, and scissors through the year. By the time summer rolls around, you’ll have a bunch of materials ready to surprise them with.


Either let them use their creativity or check out Pinterest for some inspiration for summer projects.