Benefits of Private Football Conditioning

Written by KIKOFF | 26/07/2017 11:01:21 PM

We all know that there is no better conditioning for football than actually playing football.  

However, as I am sure you also know, not everyone plays 90 minutes, there is sometimes a long off-season, there is sessions that players don’t quite put in the work they should be to get fitter and there are trial preparations for some players and they just don’t have a squad to play with.

Additionally, some squads forget all about improving or at the very least maintaining conditioning levels once pre-season is over!

Frankly, it’s a tough job keeping on top of conditioning, especially if you are not a full-time player.

You no doubt have other commitments and rely on those squad training sessions to get some type of fitness in.

Of course, all of this is assuming that the club you are playing with actually knows how to condition football player based on the sporting demands!

For those that are interested in getting that extra edge throughout the season, completing some private football conditioning sessions can have a huge benefit on your game.

Here are some reasons why:

  1. Individualised programming. Suited to YOUR injury history, YOUR position, YOUR training age, YOUR goals and YOUR NEEDS.
  2. You can train with your full squad, alone or with a small group.
  3. You can be designed a personal training program to work on your own.
  4. Most private facilities will provide you with the 24-hour athlete approach so you won’t only receive conditioning training but also speed, power, strength, acceleration, nutrition and recovery information.
  5. You will be able to work on your weaknesses.
  6. You will get what you don’t already get from football – filling in the performance gaps.
  7. You will be able to work with a specialised professional coach in physical preparation for football who dedicates their life to learning about the human body, the sport and how they can improve technical and tactical performance.
  8. You will LEARN about YOUR body and what YOU need
  9. You’ll receive performance testing so you can see how fit you are for the sport compared to others
  10. You’ll receive a movement screen so you can figure out what is restricting you from optimising your game, putting you at risk of injury and reducing your playing time.
  11. You’ll train specific to what phase of the season it is.
  12. It helps your squad. You’ll be fitter. You’ll raise the standards. Your coach will be happier and hopefully you’ll be back playing.
  13. You’ll stay conditioned when the season is over.
  14. You’ll increase your footballing network and meet more people involved in the game.

Whether it be for yourself or your squad there are a whole host of benefits private conditioning can bring to your game.